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Victorian Masters Athletics... in Murrumbeena, AUS on 5 May
1er Tour Interclubs Poule N... in Montfort sur Meu, FRA on 27 Apr
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Monica Rios (MEX - W29) 57.92 - 400 Meter
Joeferson Marinho (BRA - M25) 10.98 - 100 Meter
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Vicki Fox, USA - W65

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Paul Corrigan, GBR - M58

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#325 World Ranked; #234 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#514 World Ranked; #347 European Ranked


  View Paul's Hammer Performances

#423 World Ranked; #311 European Ranked


  View Paul's Weight Performances

#305 World Ranked; #229 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#192 World Ranked; #125 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#305 World Ranked; #195 European Ranked


  View Paul's Hammer Performances

#363 World Ranked; #262 European Ranked


  View Paul's Javelin Performances

#800 World Ranked; #557 European Ranked


  View Paul's Weight Performances

#254 World Ranked; #182 European Ranked


  View Paul's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#160 World Ranked; #123 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#153 World Ranked; #99 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#223 World Ranked; #134 European Ranked


  View Paul's Hammer Performances

#299 World Ranked; #226 European Ranked


  View Paul's Javelin Performances

#645 World Ranked; #484 European Ranked


  View Paul's Weight Performances

#232 World Ranked; #166 European Ranked


  View Paul's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#142 World Ranked; #116 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#186 World Ranked; #146 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#212 World Ranked; #174 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#225 World Ranked; #164 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#494 World Ranked; #346 European Ranked


  View Paul's Hammer Performances

#397 World Ranked; #311 European Ranked


  View Paul's Javelin Performances

#1013 World Ranked; #751 European Ranked


  View Paul's Weight Performances

#259 World Ranked; #185 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#323 World Ranked; #233 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#449 World Ranked; #308 European Ranked


  View Paul's Hammer Performances

#427 World Ranked; #328 European Ranked


  View Paul's Javelin Performances

#1006 World Ranked; #763 European Ranked


  View Paul's Weight Performances

#254 World Ranked; #177 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#167 World Ranked; #103 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#331 World Ranked; #204 European Ranked


  View Paul's Hammer Performances

#364 World Ranked; #246 European Ranked


  View Paul's Javelin Performances

#868 World Ranked; #590 European Ranked


  View Paul's Weight Performances

#247 World Ranked; #161 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#201 World Ranked; #144 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#453 World Ranked; #315 European Ranked


  View Paul's Hammer Performances

#382 World Ranked; #307 European Ranked


  View Paul's Javelin Performances

#1092 World Ranked; #839 European Ranked


  View Paul's Weight Performances

#238 World Ranked; #167 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#153 World Ranked; #127 European Ranked


  View Paul's Discus Performances

#293 World Ranked; #237 European Ranked


  View Paul's Hammer Performances

#345 World Ranked; #290 European Ranked


  View Paul's Javelin Performances

#1038 World Ranked; #909 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Paul's Shot Put Performances

#123 World Ranked; #88 European Ranked


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