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Gvsu Extra Weekend Meet in Allendale, USA on 25 Apr
Steve Scott Invitational in Irvine, USA on 26 Apr
Hodonínské Zahajovačky in Hodonín, CZE on 25 Apr

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Thomas Simek (USA - M71) 8.38 - 50 Meter
Carole Legrand (FRA - W38) 20.44 - Javelin (600g)
Chris McDonald (USA - M55) 2:13.61 - 800 Meter

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Ryan Owen, USA - M44

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Roar Sigurd Uglem, NOR - M57

Click on time, height, distance or score below to report correction needed.

2023 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#158 World Ranked; #108 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#205 World Ranked; #136 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#326 World Ranked; #238 European Ranked


  View Roar's Javelin Performances

#683 World Ranked; #471 European Ranked


  View Roar's Weight Performances

#235 World Ranked; #176 European Ranked


  View Roar's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#133 World Ranked; #104 European Ranked

2022 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#120 World Ranked; #75 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#186 World Ranked; #122 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#244 World Ranked; #171 European Ranked


  View Roar's Javelin Performances

#640 World Ranked; #439 European Ranked


  View Roar's Weight Performances

#158 World Ranked; #113 European Ranked


  View Roar's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#94 World Ranked; #71 European Ranked

2021 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#165 World Ranked; #124 European Ranked


  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#105 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#190 World Ranked; #129 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#170 World Ranked; #102 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#241 World Ranked; #179 European Ranked


  View Roar's Javelin Performances

#554 World Ranked; #409 European Ranked


  View Roar's Weight Performances

#145 World Ranked; #101 European Ranked


  View Roar's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#92 World Ranked; #72 European Ranked

2020 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#92 World Ranked; #71 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#166 World Ranked; #135 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#206 World Ranked; #170 European Ranked


  View Roar's Javelin Performances

#387 World Ranked; #310 European Ranked


  View Roar's Weight Performances

#119 World Ranked; #96 European Ranked


  View Roar's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#65 World Ranked; #54 European Ranked

2019 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#159 World Ranked; #111 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#250 World Ranked; #173 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#297 World Ranked; #225 European Ranked


  View Roar's Javelin Performances

#806 World Ranked; #595 European Ranked


  View Roar's Weight Performances

#175 World Ranked; #122 European Ranked


  View Roar's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#92 World Ranked; #66 European Ranked

2018 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#223 World Ranked; #163 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#294 World Ranked; #199 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#330 World Ranked; #253 European Ranked


  View Roar's Javelin Performances

#811 World Ranked; #613 European Ranked


  View Roar's Weight Performances

#181 World Ranked; #124 European Ranked


  View Roar's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#88 World Ranked; #60 European Ranked

2017 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#115 World Ranked; #71 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#208 World Ranked; #116 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#311 World Ranked; #210 European Ranked


  View Roar's Javelin Performances

#684 World Ranked; #442 European Ranked


  View Roar's Weight Performances

#200 World Ranked; #124 European Ranked


  View Roar's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#72 World Ranked; #47 European Ranked

2016 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#169 World Ranked; #123 European Ranked


  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#214 World Ranked; #155 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#223 World Ranked; #172 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#391 World Ranked; #270 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#325 World Ranked; #280 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#394 World Ranked; #315 European Ranked

2015 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#156 World Ranked; #130 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#237 World Ranked; #190 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#319 World Ranked; #272 European Ranked


  View Roar's Javelin Performances

#796 World Ranked; #688 European Ranked


  View Roar's Weight Performances

#151 World Ranked; #108 European Ranked


  View Roar's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#57 World Ranked; #40 European Ranked

2014 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#108 World Ranked; #78 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#140 World Ranked; #97 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#324 World Ranked; #277 European Ranked


  View Roar's Javelin Performances

#396 World Ranked; #298 European Ranked


  View Roar's Weight Performances

#108 World Ranked; #80 European Ranked


  View Roar's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#39 World Ranked; #23 European Ranked

2013 Outdoor Performances

  View Roar's Shot Put Performances

#82 World Ranked; #54 European Ranked


  View Roar's Discus Performances

#112 World Ranked; #72 European Ranked


  View Roar's Hammer Performances

#234 World Ranked; #188 European Ranked


  View Roar's Javelin Performances

#502 World Ranked; #381 European Ranked


  View Roar's Weight Performances

#102 World Ranked; #72 European Ranked


  View Roar's Throws Pentathlon Performances

#57 World Ranked; #41 European Ranked


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